Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameNat Euel Harris
, 3C1R
Birth10 Jan 1894, Italy, Ellis Co TX
Death10 Sep 1894, Italy, Ellis Co TX Age: <1
Notes for Nat Euel Harris
Although he was generally referred to as Euel, the Italy, Texas, cemetery records list him as Nat E. Harris.
1026 Ross E. Harris mistakenly thought his name was "Matt" Euel. The record book also states that he was the son of D.R. (sic) and Mattie Harris. Further, the Ellis County, Texas Cemetery Records, Vol. I gives his birth/death dates as February 6, 1891 and February 18, 1891. However, since Dave B. Harris and Mattie Briles were not married until 1893, the latter record must be in error.