NameDorothy Mason
1708, 11G Grandmother
Birthca 1565, Heacham, Norfolk, England
Death17 Oct 1645, Heacham, Norfolk, England Age: 80
BurialHeacham, Norfolk, England
Dorothea Mason’s birth is not recorded in the Heacham register so it can be assumed she came from elsewhere.
She died the 17th Oct 1645 and was buried the 26th October. Her MI gives her age as 'in her 80th year' which would make her birth around 1565. She married her second husband Robert Redmaine 9.3.1593/4 in Heacham.
John Rolfe was baptised at Heacham 13 Oct 1562, and he married Dorothy Mason there 26 July 1582. [No other details are given- no parents]
1709He has usually been said to be the father of John Rolfe of Sea Venture and Pocahantas fame, and Henry Rolfe, who is known to have been John Rolfe’s brother. However, according to an essay in Encyclopedia Virginia,
1710 it is probable that John Rolfe and Dorothy Mason were not actually his parents:
“Little is known of Rolfe's parentage or early life. While historians and genealogists have generally maintained that he was baptized in Heacham, Norfolk County, England, on May 6, 1585, and was the son of John Rolfe and Dorothy (Dorothea) Mason Rolfe, this is unlikely to be true. John Rolfe (the father) died in 1595, and Dorothy Rolfe later married Robert Redmayn (Redmaine), but none of the various wills and papers associated with her, her second husband, or their daughter ever mention the Rolfes. The Heacham parish records also fail to mention Henry Rolfe, a Virginia Company of London investor who is known to be the brother of the John Rolfe who married Pocahontas. Records also suggest that the grandmother of John Rolfe and Pocahontas's son, Thomas Rolfe, was alive in 1645, the year Dorothy Mason Rolfe Redmayn died.”