NameAnn Brantley (?) 
Birth1713, Isle of Wight Co VA
Death1783, Shocco District, NC Age: 70
Marriageca 1731, Isle of Wight Co VA330
Notes for Ann Brantley (?)
In the Gant book, it is speculated that John Gant married a daughter of Edward Brantley, who died in Isle of Wight Co VA in ca. 1737. This speculation is based on the fact that John purchased personal property from Brantley’s estate, was closely associated with Brantley’s sons John and Lewis, and named one of his sons Edward.
Notes for John (Spouse 1)
Clifford Lamar Gant, Martin Benjamin Gantt, Jr., and Joseph Frederick Gantt, Jr., have written an excellent book entitled “John Gant of Colonial Virginia & North Carolina.”
330 This book begins with an excellent summary of all of the extant evidence regarding John Gant.
“John Gant was the youngest son of John Gent who died in Isle of Wight Co., VA in 1728 leaving his sons, Thomas and John, 300 acres of land along the Nottoway River that he had purchased from Richard WASHINGTON on 18 Nov 1717. This fact is evidenced by the sale of the above 300 acres of land (land description was the same) by a John Gent of Edgecombe Co., NC on 12 Oct 1745. The sale was made to Richard VICK of Isle of Wight Co., NC with Arthur WASHINGTON (son of the above Richard Washington), William NEWTON, John TURNER, Jr., and Henry VAUGHAN as witnesses. John probably acquired title to the 150 acres bequeathed to his brother, Thomas, as the survivor of his brother who died without issue.”
Notes for John (Spouse 1)
Notes on John Gant:
Cliff Gant, 8/91: "... In the Granville County, NC tax list for 1747, John GAUNT is listed alone. In the 1750 tax list, he is listed with sons, William and John.
Cecil Franklin reported: Granville Co., NC 1755 tax list: John GANT, sons ISHAM & JOHN (the father & 2 younger brothers of William). If the sons were born in 1738 & 1734, they would be 17 & 21 years old.] - 3 polls.
"North Carolina Tax Payers, 1701-1786" by Clarence A. Ratcliffe: Gant, John, Granville Co., NC, 1755 [with sons, Isham S. and John].
Bute Co., NC 1771 tax list: Shocco District (taken by Jethro Sumner): John GAUNT & son Charles [if John born in 1713, he would be 58; males over 60 were not listed on the tax rolls. Presume his older sons married and left home. ]
Per Cliff Gant, 8/91: "...This indicates that John was not over 60 at this date (born 1711 or later) as males above that age were not listed on the tax rolls. This also indicates that Charles was older than 15 but younger than 21, born in the years 1751 through 1756, let's assume 1755 or 2 years older than his brother, Lewis."
From a copy of various letters from Cliff Gant, La Quinta, CA to Maxine Nebeker received by M. B. Gantt, Houston, from her 6/91:
- 12/8/86: "... who were the antece[de]nts of John [Gant] (c1707-c177?) who first appeared [was granted 150 acres] in Edgecombe county, N.C. in 1739. We are now sure that William (c1732-1809) was his son because of a 1750 tax list for Granville county, N.C. where John Gant is listed with "sons William and John". Since males of 16 or older are listed as taxables and neither of these sons appeared on the tax list for 1747, we can establish their years of birth as between 1732 and 1734. With William being the older, I am now showing the birth of William in 1732 and John in 1732[4]. ... Perhaps the Wood and Gant families also came into NC from Augusta county, VA and Lancaster county, PA.
- 7/11/89: "... the names Wiliam Stroud, Charles King and John Wilkins could be important in pursuing a connection between John Gant of Granville [NC] and William Gent of Brunswick [VA] as these men appear to be connected to both parties in land transactions... [N.B.: William Stroud & Charles King were in Granville Co., NC militia roll in 1754 in Captain Richard Coleman's company.]
.. the 1739 and 1743 grants ... she is certain that it was John Gant of Shocco Creek who received both grants. ... John Gant [of Shocco] was born about 1712[3]. ... a 1759 Edgecombe [Co., NC] record ordering a John Gent/Gant to maintain roads during the period from Feb. 1739 until Granville County was formed in 1746 and in Granville [county] thereafter. [Cliff Gant in 7/91 concluded that this "road crew John" was NOT John of Shocco, but a different one
- probably the father of a Jesse Gant who declared he was born in 1760 in Edgecombe Co., NC when he filed for a Revolutionary pension while living in White County, TN] ... she concludes that it was John Gant of Shocco Creek who executed the 1744 Isle of Wight [County, VA] deed."
- 8/10/89:"...on the same day in 1739 that our ancestor, John1 Gant (it was also spelled Gent) received his patent of land along Isinglass Creek in Edgecombe County, NC, John Lyles, Edward Jones and William Kendrie (Kendrick) received theirs. Also, on the same day in 1743 that John Gant (again it was also spelled Gent) received his patent along Six Pound Creek, John Lyles, Ed Jones, John Martin, William Stroud and William Parsons, among others, received theirs. John Gant sold his Six Pound Creek patent to William Kendrick the following month. ... John Lyles and Wiliam Parsons were also patentees in Prince George County, VA in 1722 in the same area that Thomas Gent patented land in 1720 and William Gent in 1723. ... among these patentees in 1722, were three names, Lewis Green, Sr., William Epes, Jr. and Richard Jones, Jr. Giving surety bond to Sarah Gent, widow of Thomas [Gent], Charles City County [VA], 1690 were Lewis Green, William Epes and Richard Jones; the latter also taking over from Sarah as administrator of the estate of Thomas Gent. Here we have a incontravertible connection between John Gant of Edgecombe, NC in 1739 and Thomas Gent of Charles City, VA in 1690 who appears to be his grandfather.
... It appears that our John [Gant of Shocco] is either the son of John Gent of Isle of Wight or William or Thomas Gent of Prince George/Brunswick [VA]. I suspect these [last two] Gents were brothers and sons of Thomas in Charles City, [VA]."
- Dec. 1989: "... a 1717 deed for 300 acres in Isle of Wight County, Va.
from Richard (and Elizabeth) Washington of Surrey County, Va. to John Jent of Isle of Wight [County]. The property description is the same as that in the deed covering the sale of the 300 acres by John Gent[Gant] of Edgecombe County, NC to Richard Vick in 1744 and surely the same 300 acres beque[a]thed to his 2 sons [Thomas and John?] in 1728. ..." [Cliff Gant believes this is a different Gent/Jent family that was in the Wake County, NC area and not our John Gant; a different conclusion than he reported a Mrs. Leary held in his 7/11/89 letter.] [1/92, CG sent MBG a copy of this deed.]
"Histories of Pope, Carter and McFerrin Families", p. 34, "CRNC 4 625; Council held at Edenton, North Carolina, 15 March, 1743, John Gant petitions for 150 acres in Edgecombe County." [The Six Pound Creek property?]
"Abstracts of The Early Deeds of Granville County North Carolina 1746-1765 by Zae Hargett Gwynn, pub. by Joseph W. Watson, 1974:
- Granville County Deed Book A, 1746-1751, pg 1, #1-4: John Wade to Abridgeton Jones ... "on south side of Great Shocco (Creek) at first branch above Frank Young's ford running to JOHN GANT'S line."
- Deed Book C, (pg. 99), #447,448: [5 Sep 1757] JOHN GANT to WILLIAM GANT for 40 pds. 300 acres where William Gant now lives on N. side of Little Shocco (creek), which was granted 1745. Wts. John Wood, John Thornton.
- Deed Book C, (p.108),#551-553: Nov 18, 1758- WILLIAM GAUNT and wife ANN to Presly Nelms ... 300 acres on N. side of Little Shocco Creek, ...
- Deed Book F, (pg. 240), #339,361- Feb. 26, 1763- Samuel Choat to WILLIAM GANT for 30 pds. ...
Edgecombe County, NC, File #154, Bk 4, p. 109: 22 Feb 1739, JOHN GANT received a grant of 150 acres of land "lying near Little Schocco and Isingglass Creeks". (This is south of Warrenton, NC near the border of present-day Warren and Franklin Counties, NC.) ... GEORGE the SECOND - know ye that we have given unto JOHN GAUNT one hundred and fifty acres of land in Edgecombe County lying near Little Schocco and Isingglass Creeks.
Land Grant Office, Raleigh, NC: Deed Book 4, p. 109, dated [1739].
"The Colonial Records of N.C., Vol. IV, 1734-1752" [above land grant]
11 Apr 1743 - John Gant of Edgecombe Co. to William Kendrich of Edgecombe Co., 150 acres on lower side of Six Po[u]nd Creek, joining the mouth of a branch and the creek whereon Kendrich now lives.
1743 - At a council held at Edenton the 15 day of March, among business ... read the following petition as follows; viz... among these ... John Gant 150 A(cres). Edgecombe. Granted (CR 4:625) Council Journal.
Wanda book, p. 9: In 1745, Isle of Wight Co., VA, John Gent of Edgecombe Co., NC sold 300 acres on the South side of the Nottoway River to Richard Vick, Wit. by Arthur Washington, William Newton, Henry Vaughn & John Turner, Jr. (See NC Record)."
- 24 Mar 1745 John Gant recorded in Granville Co. his mark for cattle as a crop & a slit in the left ear ... identify roaming livestock. [cited in "Twelve Families", p. 10]
Note: Granville County, NC was formed from Edgecombe in 1746.
2 Dec 1747 - John Thornton of Granville Co. to JOHN GANT of the same Co. for the sum of two pounds, 10 shillings a parcel of land containing 50 acres, part of a patent to said Thornton for 400 acres on 20 Apr 1745.
22 Dec 1747 - Summons for jurors to attend court at the house of William Eaton (his colonel in the militia?) 3-4 mi. from Henderson: JOHN GANT (one of 16 men).
8 Oct 1754 - Granville Co., NC "Muster Roll of Militia" Colonel William Eaton's
command, Company of Capt. Sugar Jones, among others, JOHN GANT, Isham Gant, John Gant, Jr., John Wood, William Wood, et. al.
"State Records of N.C., Vol XXII", p. 376: John1, John Jr., William and Isham GANT served in the militia under Captain Sugar Jones.
Cliff Gant, 8/91, re: Bute Co., NC Oath of Allegiance in 1778 "... We think John [Gant, Sr.] was alive in 1778 but was too old (over 60) to be required to take the oath. ..."
Xerox copy found in Lee Gantt's files 8/91: "I found this in N.C. Archives [Raleigh, NC] William Gant provided 48 lbs. bacon and 5 bushels [indian] corn.
As far as I know, this line has not been established for DAR. Ophelia Wade" Attached to hand written note dated May 10th, 1781 and what appears to be an assignment [No. 1855] by William Gant. [Would this be his original signature?]
Jean Gantt, 12/92: "... John Gant, [of] Edgecomb [Co., NC] sold land to Osborn Jefferies, Isle of Wight [Co., VA]. Assume Pierce line as swamp. Adj[acent] to Nicholas Casey, Wm. Posonbys. Eliz[abeth] Mathews line. Ambrose Hadleys old field. Capt. Henry Applewait & Abraham [Albritton?] Jones line." ???
- John Gent witnessed the Osborne Jeffreys' Northhampton [Co., VA?] 1744 deed to Nicholas Sessum, Edgecombe Co. [, NC?] West side of Tar River. [Cliff - We think this John Gentt was our John1 Gant and that this document connects him to Isle of Wight Co., VA because Osborne Jeffreys lived there with the Boddies, Hadleys and others, including Richard Gent. William & Mary Gent did not witness this deed but were "of Edgecomb Co." NC when they sold land in Brunswick Co, VA which had formerly been in Prince George Co., VA ...]"
Wanda book, p. 31: "... Although documentation is lacking in some areas it APPEARS that John Gant had 2 wives with the 2nd being either a Brantley or a Bobo. This author tends to believe she [2nd] was of the Lewis Bobo lineage of Bute Co. [NC] since Lewis Gant named one of his sons Absolom Bobo Gant. ..."
Jessie Gaunt Palmer note: Granville Co., NC Deed Book A, p. 68: 26 Nov 1748, John Crookshanks to John Gaunt, both of Granville Co., 300 acres on ns [north side] of Little Shocco [creek] patented 20 Apr 1745.
Helen Gant Donald, *E, 3/97: A John Gant was a "sworn chain carrier" on August 20, 1748 in a survey of property purchased by John Brantley in Granville Co., NC. Analysis: John2 Gant would have been a teenager [14] and therefore, could not have served as a "sworn chain carrier". It also shows that John1 Gant was literate, a condition that one could not necessarily assume in those days.