NameRawleigh Hammond
1671, 5G Uncle
Birth11 May 1756, Fairfax Co VA
Death24 Aug 1839, Camden District SC Age: 83
BurialHammond Family Cemetery, Heath Springs SC
Birth21 Oct 1765
Death21 Aug 1823, Heath Springs, SC Age: 57
BurialHammond Family Cemetery, Heath Springs SC
Marriage7 Aug 1781, Warren Co NC740
MarriageNov 1823, Kershaw Co SC1671
Notes for Rawleigh Hammond
Following is the inscription on the monument to Rawleigh Hammond:
Rawleigh Hammond, Sr.
This you see remember me
A Soldier of the Revolution
for Liberty
Who departed this life
The 24th Augt., 1839
Aged 83 years, 3 Mos and 13 days
Rawleigh Hammond Sr.
Born in Fairfax Co., Va.,
He made no profession
But often expressed a satisfactory
Evidence of hope after Death.
He was a provident and affectionate
Husband and Father
A Good Citizen and respected
By all who knew him.
He died suddenly at one
Minutes warning
leaving a numerous family
of descendants who mourn
His departure.
Notes for Mary G. (Spouse 1)
Tombstone inscription:
Sacred to the memory of Mary B. Hammond, wife of Rawleigh Hammond. Born Octr. 21st 1755 and departed this life Aug. 21st, 1823 after an illness of 7 days. Aged 51 years & 10 months. She was a Baptist by profession and died in the faith.