Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
NameRonald Wayne Livingston
2684, 4C1R*
Birth3 Jul 1957, Shelby Co TX
BurialOaklawn Memorial Park Cemetery, Center, Shelby Co TX
Death13 Oct 1960, Shelby Co TX2684 Age: 3
Notes for Ronald Wayne Livingston
RONALD LIVINGSTON2685 CENTER, Tex.. Oct. 14 (Special) Funeral services were held today for Ronald Livingston, 3-year-old ; son of Mr. and Mrs. Thurmon Livingston who died Thursday in a Center hospital after a brief illness.
The services were held in the chapel of Manghum Funeral Home and burial was in Oakland Memorial Park Cemetery.
Survivors, in addition to the parents, are a brother, Ricky of Center; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Livingston of Center; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Adkinson of Center, great-grandparents, Mr. and Simmie Sanford of Center and Mr. and Mrs. Melton Jones of High Island, Tex.