NameMary Perrie
2907, 8G Grandmother
Birth1625, London, England
Death1705 Age: 80
Birth1626, London, England
Death1704, Richmond Co VA Age: 78
Marriage2 Dec 1647, Holy Trinities Minories, London, England1862
Notes for James (Spouse 1)
James Samford, son of William Samford, was Christened 24 Dec 1626 at St Benet, Paul’s Wharf, City of London.
2908 At the moment, there is no proof that this is the same James Sanford who appeared in Rappahannock Co VA in the mid-1600s. However, the chances seem good, expecially in that James Samford married a Mary Perrie in London in 1647, and we know that the Virginia James Samford was married to a Mary. On the other hand, Mary was one of the most common female names at the time.
For evidence that James Samford was father of Catherine Samford, see “Married Well and Often: Marriages of the Northern Neck of Virginia, 1649-1800.
2318James Samford’s will, dated 27 September 1703, was recorded 2 November 1704. He left his plantation and 200 acres to grandson Thomas Samford; if he has no heirs, to his grandson James Samford. He provided that his son Samuel shall live on the afore bequeathed plantation of Thomas Samford for and during his natural life. Elizabeth the wife of son Samuel; grandsons William, Giles and John Samford; Samford Jones; Edward Jones. The executor was his son Samuel Samford. Witnesses were Giles Webb, Richard Taylor, and Edward Jones.
Research notes for James (Spouse 1)
People associated with James Samford (from Nugent):
Transported 8 persons (Mar 1663/4 patent) 400acs:
1. Mary Broder
2. Francis Scott
3. John Multis
4. Malaton
5. James Felton
6. George, a Scotchman
7. Symon Richardson
8. Mary Hamon
Transported 15 persons (Apr 1662 patent) 736acs:
1. Edward Parsly
2. Hugh Taylour
3. Wiilliam Palmer
4. John Edger
5. William Serah
6. Matthew Abrall,
7. Sam Lunley
8. Frank Weekes
9. Frank Finch
10. John Tingle
11. William Corbell
12. Thomas Brooke
13. Abigall Seere
14. Ann Elery
15. Elizabeth Story
Transported 2 persons (Mar 1665/6 patent) 800acs; 736acs of Apr 1662 plus 64acs
1. Margarett Holford
2. Susanna Stevens
Adjacent land:
1. Thomas Robinson (Mar 1663/4)
2. George Haselock (Mar 1663/4)
3. John Cannida (Mar 1663/4)
4. Luke Bullington (Mar 1663)
5. Gyles Webb (Mar 1663)
6. Robert Bayley (Mar 1663)
7. John Suckett (Feb 1662)
8. Thomas Robinson (Feb 1662)
9. Edward Lewis (Jun 1663)
10. Quantillian Sherman (Mar 1665/6)
11. Miles Reiley (Mar 1665/6)
12. William Barber (Mar 1665/6)
13. John Williams (Mar 1665/6)
14. Mitchell (Miles) Huggell (Mar 1665/6)
Other early references to James Samford: