NameAndrew Hartsfield
1094,1095, 6G Uncle
Birth24 Jul 1746, Johnson Co NC3164
Deathbef Nov 1823, Wake Co NC Age: 77
Notes for Andrew Hartsfield
I Andrew Hartsfield sent (?) of the County of Wake and state of North Carolina having my natural reason and common memory but knowing the mortality of my ? it is appointed for man once to die: I do herby make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say what worldly substance it has pleased God to bestow upon me, after paying all my lawfull debts, I Ieave in the following manner.....
I leave and bequeath to my son William Hartsfield my land in the state of Tennessee, Bedford County lying on Powells Creek a base of Duck river Excepting fifty Acres of said land which I give to my son Nathan Hartsfield. Also I give and bequeath to my son Wm Hartsfield one Negro woman known and called (?) by the name Cresea, and ten dollars and one ninth fo the remaining part of my Estate which I have not nor shall not hereafter dispose of. I give and bequeath to my daughter Haskah, the wife of John Stevens one negro girl by the name of Poll, one negro boy by the name of Harrah, and one ninth of the remaining part of my Estate that I have not nor shall not hereafter dispose of. I give and bequeath to my son Andrew Hartsfield one negro girl by the name of Patts (or Potts), she and all her increase, one negro man by the name of Ausbun and one ninth of the remaining part of my Estate that I have not nor shall not hereafter dispose of. I give and bequeath to my daughter Beddy the wife of Mark Grady (or Crady), one negro girl named Mary, one negro boy named Arthur, and one ninth of the remaining part of my Estate which I have not nor shall not hereafter dispose of. I give and bequeath to my son Solomon Hartsfield, one negro boy named Moses, one negro girl named Agga, she and her increase, and one ninth of the remaining part of my Estate which I have not nor shall not hereafter dispose of. I give and bequeath to my Executors, and the survivors of them and the Executors or administrators of the survivors, the following property, (to wit) One negro Boy named Brisko (or Brusko), one negro woman named Cherry and her increase, and one ninth of the remaining part of my Estate that I have not nor shall not hereafter dispose of. Interest for the sale and separate use for my Daughter Sally, wife of James Olive (?) during the time she remains married to her said husband, without the said property being in any manner subject to the controll or disposal of her said Husband, or subject to his debts, and if my daughter Sally shall survive her said Husband then I give the said property absolutely to her and her heirs forever. but if my said daughter should die during the life of her said husband then my will and desire is that the said property shall be equally divided between her children then living, and if any of her children should die in the life time of their mother leaving a child or children, the said child or children shall be intitled to their deceased parents share.
I give and bequeath to my son Nathan Hartsfield one negro girl named Chana, one negro boy named Terry and the fifty Acres of land above mentioned lying in the state of Tennessee, Bedford County, and one ninth of the remaining part of my estate which I have not nor shall not hereafter dispose of.
I give and bequeath to my Executors and the survivors of them and the Executors or Administrators of the Survivors, the following property (to wit) One negro boy named Fred (or Fed), one negro girl named Clary and her increase, and one ninth of the remaining part of my Estate that I have not more shall not hereafter dispose of. Interest for the sale and separate use for my daughter Rachel, wife of John Muse during the time she remains married to her said husband, without the said propery being in any manner subject to the controll or disposal of her said Husband, or subject to his debts, and if my daughter Rachel should survive her said Husband, then I give the said property absolutely to her and her heirs forever. but if my said Daughter Rachel should die during the life of her said Husband, then my Will and desire is that the said property should be equally divided between her children then living, and if any of her children should die in the life time of their mother leaving a child or children the said child or children shall be entitled to their deceased parents share..... I give and bequeath to my son James Hartsfield a certain part of the land whereon I now reside (?) disignated by the following boundaries. Begining at an Ash near the Head of a drain Kimbro, Jones' corner, Thence down the various courses of said drain to a Poplar formally Mark Cooks, thence South with said Cooks line to a stake, Thence W' with said line to a dogwood, at (?) Cooks corner in my own line, thence So. to a Post Oak, Thence Et. along said line to the fall road direct course to the begining. Also one negro Man named Richard, one Negro woman maned Hannah, one negro boy named Squire, one negro child named Emillia, and all their future increase, one bay Mare, Two cows and calves, One Feather Bed and furnature, One desk and book case, one cupboard and its contents, one half dozen Mansor (?) chairs.
My will and desire is that my son Andrew Hartsfield, my son James Hartsfield and my worthy friend Almond Beves (?) be appointed my Executors to this my last will and Testment.
In Witness whereof I have herto set my hand and affixed my seal this 20th day of December 1822.
Augustia Norwood John Harn (John only put his X and someone else signed his name)
Andrew Hartsfield X his mark
I do hereby Amen the (?) to this my last will and testament. My will and desire is that my son William Hartsfield shall come forward and give my Executors or their survivors a clear relinquishment from all his claims or Demands Whatever against my said Estate; at the same time to warrant and defend his heirs assigns forever. then in that easily his compliance with this my last will and testament I give and bequeath to my said son William Hartsfield one negro girl named Fanny to him and his heirs forever, she and her future increase and upon his non-compliance with this my request my will and desire is that the said negro girl Fanny should be sold as above designated. My further will and desire is that my Negro woman Jenny (?) shall still remain here with my son James Hartsfield as long as she or he shall live.