NameAbraham Enloes
2127, 9G Uncle
Birthca 1678, St Paul’s Psh, Baltimore, MD
Death20 Jul 1709, Baltimore MD Age: 31
Death1 Jun 1739, Baltimore MD Age: 71
Notes for Abraham Enloes
Wills, Lib 12, Fol 144-145, Hall of Records, Annapolis, Maryland
In the Name of God Amen I Abraham Enloes of ye County of Baltemour in ye province of Maryland planter being very Sick and weak in body but of Sound & perfect memory Praised be the Lord for ye Same do make this my Last will & Testamt in manner and form following
I give and bequeath my Soule to ye allmighty God my Creator Hopeing he will Give me free pardon and full remition of all my Sins and my body to ye Earth from whence it Came there to be buried in a Cristian Like manner at the Discretion of my Executor her after named.
I give and bequeath unto my well beloved Son Anthony Enloes fifty Acres of Land it being the moyety of a parcell of Land call Tryangle Neck Lying at the mouth of Middle river.
Item I give and bequeath unto my Son John Enloes the other moyety of ye afore named Land called Tryangle neck It.
I give and bequeath unto my Son Wm Eloes fifthy Acres of Land Lying on ye bay Side Called by ye name of ye Duck Neck
I give unto my Son Abraham Enloes fifty Acres of Land itt Lying a Joyning to ye other fifty yt is given to my Son Wm Enloes afore named.
I give and bequeath unto my Child yt my wife is bigg with all if it be a male thirty Acres of Land Called Enloes Meddow: if it be a female I give it to my Daughter Margret Enloes
Also I make and Ordain my Loveing wife Elizabeth Enloes my whole and Sole Ext makeing this my Last will and Testament to pay my Debts Paid ye well as to receive Debts belonging to me and after my Debts Paid ye Remainder Estate to Equally to be devided amongst my Children.
As wittness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seale this 24th Day of Aprill 1709.
Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us Dantt. Scoot June 2
(his mark)
(his mark)
The inventory of the Estate of Abraham Enloes 9deceased) was dated September 7th, 1709.
So Abraham died most likely in late August of early September of 1709.
The inventory is signed by Luke Raven, Danl Scott, Margtt M. Durham - Sister to ye Decd, Mary M. Enloes - Coz to ye Decd, Wm. Wright and Edward Stevenson