NameJoshua Ira Lay
, 2C2R*
Birth6 Dec 1984, Hunt Co TX1 Age: 38
Notes for Joshua Ira Lay
Joshua Lay traces his Lay lineage back to Daniel B. Lay Sr., who came to Texas from Pulaski Co KY in 1851 (see chart on the multimedia page). Unexpectedly, Joshua’s Y-chromosome profile, done at FTDNA at the 67-marker level, does not at all match any of the Lay surname group profiles. Indeed, Joshua’s Y-chromosome profile has very few matches with any surname. At the 67- and 37-marker levels the sole match, with a genetic distance of 7 at 67 markers and 4 at 37 markers, is to Mr. Dave Cook, who traces his lineage back to John Cook, born ca. 1765 and died 1831 in Hinds Co MS. At the 25-marker level, Joshua’s profile correlates with men named Wardell, Simpson, Picton, Cowell, Hocket, Baker and the aforementioned Dave Cook. All of these correlations have genetic distance of 2 and no two men have the same surname.
This result suggests that Daniel Lay was not a biological Lay. Of course, there were Cooks in Pulaski Co KY in the first half of the 17th century, so it is posslble that Daniel was a biological Cook who was orphaned and adopted and raised as a Lay. The 1820 census of Somerset, Pulaski Co KY records three Cook heads-of-household:
Jane Cook: 1 Female >45, 1 Male 16-25, 1 Male 16-18
Nearby is found the listing for Josiah Duck Sr.
Joshua Cook: 1 Male 26-44, 1 Female 26-44, 1 Male <10, 1 Female 10-15, 3 Females <10.
Richard Cook: 1 Male 26-44, 1 Female 26-44, 1 Male <10, 1 Female <10.
Nearby is found the listing of Josiah Duck (presumably Jr.)
Indeed, Francis Marion Lay was the grandson of Ann Cook, daughter of Phillip Cook and mother of Elizabeth Duck, showing a family connection between the Cook, Duck and Lay families.
However, because of the large genetic distance from the one Cook with whom Joshua matches, this is probably a rather remote possibility.