Heathcock Genealogy Database - Person Sheet
Birth8 May 1771, Bute Co NC
Deathca 1865 Age: 93
Notes for Jesse (Spouse 1)
JESSE HUNT - lived in Wilson Co., TN in 1814 and made a deposition from there at that time. It was witnessed by HARDY HUNT. This deposition stated that JESSE HUNT was the son of HENRY HUNT of Franklin Co., NC.
17841850 Census of Wilson Co TN
Household Members AgeJessee Hunt 80 b NC
James H Hunt 52
Hardy Hunt 40
Benjamin Hunt 49
Eliza Hunt 42
John Hunt 15
Livey Hunt 11
Henry C Hunt 5
Benjamin F Hunt 2
1860 Census of Lebanon, Wilson Co TN
Household Members AgeJesse Hunt 93 b NC
Hardy Hunt 45
Adolphus Hunt 25
Sally Hunt 34
Washington Hunt 14
George Hunt 7
Martha Hunt 4
Samuel Hunt 1