NameHanna Robinson
, 7G Grandmother
Birth1707, Middlesex Co VA1100
Death1748, Baltimore Co MD1100 Age: 41
Birthca 1700, Somerset, England
Death1 May 1738, Baltimore Co MD1100 Age: 38
Marriageca 1722, Baltimore Co MD1100
Notes for Hanna Robinson
Will of Hannah (Robinson) HENDON, Dated Jan. 29, 17481128
In the name of God, Amen, I, Hannah Hendon, Administratrix and relect of Josias Hendon, Late of Baltimore County in the forks of Gunpowder, decesed being Sick in Body but of Sound and Perfect Senses, thanks be to God, do dispose, Bequeath and settle my Real and Personal Estate, where with God have blessed in manor order and form as follows: IMP's I will and bequeath my Soul to Almighty God who gave me the same and my body to the earth to be buried in a Decent and Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executor.
Item. I will and bequeath my one bay three year old Mare called Fancy to my beloved daughter Hannah.
Item. I will and bequeath unto my beloved Son William Hendon one Shilling Sterling as also my beloved Son Josias one Shilling Sterling. Also to my above named daughter Elizabeth one Shilling Sterling and also to mybeloved daughter Hannah one Shilling Sterling.
Item. I will and bequeath unto my beloved son Isham Hendon all my Right, Title and Interest of the Plantation Tenaments and Improvements thereunto belonging wheron I now dwell containing One hundred Acres as also my stock, house furniture or moveables now in my possession.
Item. I constitute, nominate and appoint my trusty and well beloved son, said Isham Hendon, my Executor in this my last Will and Testament disanulling Revoking and making void all other Wills and Testaments Ever made before by me in my lifetime. Witness my hand and seal this the 29TH day of January 1748 and in the 44th year of my age.
Hannah Hendon
( her x )
Signed, acknowledged and perfected in the presence of us,
(signed) Charles Bakerbr> (signed) Darbt Hernly
(signed) Sarah Henley
March 8, 1748
Then came Darby Hernle and Charles Baker, two of the Subscribing Witnesses to the Annexed Will and made oath on the holy Evanglist that they saw the Testator, Hannah Hendon, sign the said will and heard her publish and declare the same to be her last Will and Testament that at the time of her so doing she was to the best of their apprehensions of sound and disposing mind and memory that they subscribed their names as Witnesses to the said Will and saw the other witness thereunto in the presence of the Testator and at her>request.
Before W. Young D.C. 'Y B.?C.
(District Clerk..Baltimore County )
Notes for Josias (Spouse 1)
Will of Josias Hendon (the Elder) dated May 1, 17381127In the name of God, I Josias Hendon being weak in body bit of sound and perfect memory, do make this my Last Will and Testament as followeth; First, I give and Bequeath my Soul to God the Almighty and my body to decently burial at the Discretion of my Exets. hereafter mentioned
- Imptimis I give and bequeath unto my son Isham Hendon, my Dwelling Plantation wheron I now live to him and his Heirs in blood for ever and in case his lawful Issue shall fail then the said Plantation and its Appurtenances to fall to the next in blood as aforesaid give and bequeath to my son, William Hendon, my desk, and my will is that my beloved wife have her thirds as usual and for my Personal Estate after my debts being paid, my will is the remainder be equally divided amongst my children, and lastly I do make, constitute and appoint my wife my sole exector of this my last Will and Testament. Witness my hand this first day of May 1738.
Signed, Sealed and Published and Declared
(signed) Josias Hendon (seal)
In Presence of us J Elliot
Hanah Jones (her mark)
George Phillips (his mark)
On the back of the forgoing Will was thus written Voist (?)
On the 7th day of June 1738, came before me John Elliot, Hanah Jones and George Phillips, the Subscribing Witnesses, to the foregoing Will and made oath on the holy Evangelists of Almighty God that they saw the Testator Josias Hendon sign the foregoing Will and heard him Publish and Declare the same to be his last Will and Testament and that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their Apprehensions of sound and disposing mind and meaning that they subscribes their respective names as Witnesses to the said Will in the presence of the said Testator and at his request.
Sworn to before: H Wells Stokes
Clerk Baltimore County
Notes for Josias (Spouse 1)
Nicholas Rogers held an indenture on Josias Hendon.
Baltimore Co. Maryland - 1717
In the name of God, Amen, the twenty-eighth day of February anno Domini 1717, I Nicholas Rogers of Baltimore County in the Province of Maryland being sick and weak of body but of good memory thanks be to God for the same and calling to mind the uncertain estate of this transitory life, do make and declare this my last will and testament, revolking all other wills before by me made, first being pentitent and sorry for my sins past, I committ my body to the ground and my soul to the Merciful God, my Creator, which through the merits, meditations and intersessions of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer, I trust will not be rejected (as for my temporal Estate I give and Dispose of the Sames in manner and form following (that is to say)
I will that all those debts I owe to any person shall be payed and satisfied within convenient times after my decease by Executrix hereinafter named.
In Primus, I give and bequeath to my six children - William, Elienor, Sarah, Mary, Eli, Elizabeth, Catherine - the sum of three hundred pounds of current money in silver or gold to be divided among them in equal portions, that is to say fifty pounds each the sum of money to be paid them as they attain the age of twenty-one years or day of marriage, which shall first happen, but in case any one or more of them happen to decrease before the above set time of payment then the above sum of three hundred pounds to be equally divided among the surviving.
It is my will that my loving wife whom I hereby make, constitute and appoint my whole and sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament, may quietly live and prosper and enjoy any one of my plantations the which she shall please to make choice of during her natural life.
I give and bequeath to my son William and heirs my now dwelling Plantation called Reemps Addition and Parkers Heaven, but in case the said will decease without heirs lawfully begotten of his body, I give and bequeath the said Plantation and land to my daughter Elinor and her heirs and in case there were no heirs lawfully begotten on her body, I give and bequeath the said Plantation and land to my daughter Sarah and her heirs, and for want of heirs lawfully begotten on her body, to my daughter Mary, and for want of heirs of her body lawfully begotten, the same to fall to my daughter Elizabeth and her heirs lawfully begotten of her body, and in case there were no heirs lawfully begotten as above, I give and bequeath the said land to my daughter Katherine and her heirs and assigns forever.
I give and bequeath to my servant Josias Hendon one sett. of Coopers tools, one broad ax, one goudge, four chissells, one hand saw, one horse called Ball with good bridle, saddle, and halter, one suit of leather cloathas, two pr shoes, two pr stockings, two shirts, one leather hat, to be paid to him when his time of service is expired.
I make, constitute and appoint my loving wife my whole and sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament to whom I give and bequeath all my personal estate not hereby particularly bequeathed the both Real and Personal and I hereby revolking and cancelling all and every other will or wills or testaments any manner of ways made or declared by me preceeding this date and declare this to be my only last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Nicholas Rogers
Signed, sealed and delivered
William Hamilton
Charles Goswich
James Moore
On the back of the foregoing will was thus endorsed vis: October the 19th, 1720
Then came William Hamilton, Charles Goswich and James Moore the subscribing evidences to the aforegoing Will and made Oath on the Holy Evangel of Almighty God that they saw the Testator Nicholas Rogers signe and seal the foregoing will as Last Will and Testament and heard him publish and declare the same so to be, and that at the time of his doing he was so of sound and perfect mind and memory to the best of those dependents knowledge.
Sworn to before me B. Bradley, Clerk