Death25 Jan 1989
Death28 Dec 1989 Age: 93
Notes for Maxine
Obituary (Whichita Eagle).
154YATES CENTER -- D. Maxine Awalt, 83, retired teacher, died Wednesday, Jan. 25, 1989. Service 10:30 a.m. Saturday Buffalo (Kan.) United Methodist Church.
Survivors: husband, Fred; sons Bobby D Collison, Brooke Collison, both of Wichita; daughter, Barbara Brown of Bend, Ore.; stepdaughters, Lorraine Barr of Yates Center, Pauline Guzzardo of Palm Harbor, Gla., LuCeil Wright of Edwards, Mo.; brother, Dean Blackwood of Kansas City, Kan.; sister, Katherine Blunk of Pittsburg; 10 grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; 10 stepgrandchildren; one step-great-grandchild. Memorial has been established with Buffalo United Methodist Church. Campbell Funeral Home.
Notes for Fred (Spouse 1)
Obituary (Whichita Eagle).
154Yates Center
Fred W. Awalt, 92, farmer and rancher, died Thursday, Dec. 28, 1989. Service 2:30 p.m. Sunday, United Methodist Church, Buffalo.
Survivors: daughters, Lorraine Barr of Yates Center, Pauline Guzzardo of Palm Harbor, Fla., LuCeil Wright of Edwards, Mo.,; stepsons, Bobby Collison of Wichita, Brooke Collison of Corvalis, Ore.; step-daughter, Barbara Brown of Bend, Ord.; sister, Ruth Colson of Fort Worth; 10 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; 10 stepgrandchildren. Memorial has been established with United Methodist Church. Campbell Funeral Home.