NameMatthew Brewer
, GGG Grandfather
Death28 Aug 1832, Marengo Co AL Age: 62
Birthca 1780, Petersburg GA
Notes for Matthew Brewer
Matthew Brewer lived in Abbeville Co SC and Elbert Co GA around 1800. There is some evidence that he moved back an forth between these two locations, which were neighboring counties across the Savannah River from one another. In 1800, Abbeville Co SC was larger than today, including parts of modern Greenwood and McCormick Counties. Likewise, Elbert Co GA in 1800 included parts of modern Hart and Madison Counties. The modern towns of Abbevile SC and Elberton GA are only 33 miles apart. The two counties are separated today by Lake Russell behind the Richard B. Russell Dam, which was completed in 1983. In 1800, the county boundary was the Savannah River itself, presumably crossed at Harper’s Ferry, which was about midway between Abbeville and Elberton.
In Feb 1800 Matthew Brewer witnessed a deed recording sale of land from Aaron Jones and wife Sarah of Abbeville Co SC to Thomas B. Creagh, also of Abbeville Co SC. The land was in Elbert Co GA (Elbert Co GA Deed Book F, page 101, dated Feb 1800).
He doesn't show in the 1800 census but he may have been in Georgia at the time the census was taken; the 1800 Georgia census has not survived.
In January and February of 1802, Matthew Brewer was mentioned in the records of Van's Creek Baptist Church, in Elbert Co GA:
774,775,776"Jan. 23rd, 1802. Met at Bro. Nathan Childs'; opened a door for the reception of members and received by experience Elizabeth Nix,
Matthew Brewer, and John Childs, a son of Nathan Childs. Dismissed.”
“Feb. 27th, 1802. Met at Bro. Nathan Childs' and proceeded to business as follows: 1st. Agreeable to a petition presented at Van's Creek Church for a Constitution at this place, which was granted, those appointed attended, formed a Presbytery and after examination having found them ripe for Constitution, the business acceded to, and constituted Frederick Crouder, Sr., and wife, Frederick Crouder, Jr., Milly Hales, Winey Hales, Wm. Arnold, Jr., Thomas Head and wife, Fanny Head, Elizabeth Head, John Head and wife Elizabeth Head, Caty Head, Jane Head, Nancy Head, Unity Head, Elizabeth Sharp, John Dingler and wife, Sally Woldridge, Zachariah Smith and wife, Prudence Richardson, Susan Hubbard, Cassy Childs, Hailey Jones, James Childers and wife, Sally Jones, John Childs and wife, Benjamin Childs, Peggy Childs, Nancy Childs, Nathan Childs and wife,
Matthew Brewer, John Childs, son of Nathan Childs, Hanah Walker, Elizabeth Swilevant, Sally Colbert and Elizabeth Nix, and sat them to work as a church. Dismissed."
Matthew Brewer was granted two draws in the 1805 Georgia Land Lottery, meaning that he was a white male of 21 years of age with a wife and legitimate children under 21 and a citizen of Georgia as of May 1802.
777 Matthew Brewer’s name appears on the “Index to Fortunate Drawers”
778 and on the “Index to Grantees.”
779 This shows that Matthew actually paid the required fee to exercise his right and was issued a land grant from the state.
In 1806 Matthew Brewer purchased items in the estate sale of William Moore in Abbeville, SC. One of the appraisers of the estate was Thos. B. Creagh.
780 The will contains passages that reveal that the Abbeville SC community was tightly connected with the Elbert Co GA community. For example: “Also I give and Bequeath my Negroe Boy Named Bob to my beloved Cousin Elijah Moore now living on Vans Creek in the County of Elbert and State of Georgia” and “...and the mount of Such Sale to be equally divided between Moses Moore and Albert Moore Sons to Joseph Moore living on Vans Creek District of Elbert and State of Georgia aforesaid.”
It isn’t known what caused Matthew Brewer to travel to the west. However, there is plentiful evidence that he did, and possibly soon after his marriage. Matthew Brewer participated in a petition to the President and Congress by the residents of Sims'es settlement on the Elk River in 1810.
781 The petition reveals that the petitioners had settled during the Winter and Spring of 1807 on land which they believed to have been ceded by the Indian Nations. They were subsequently informed that, although the Cherokee claim to the land had been negotiated, the Chickasaw Nation still laid claim. When James Madison took office as President of the United States in March, 1809, he dispatched the Indian Agent at Hiwassee garrison to expel the intruders from the Indian land. On 16 April 1809 ninety-three squatters were removed, of which 49 were among the more than 400 settlers who eventually signed the 1910 petition, which implored the President and Congress to grant them title to the land they had occupied.
If the Matthew Brewer who participated in the Sim’es Settlement was our ancestor, it appears that he returned to Abbeville after the eviction, in time to be recorded there in the 1810 census. In that census, Matthew Brewer was listed in Abbeville Co SC [2M<10, M26-40; 2F<10; F26-40; 2 slaves]. This record shows that he and his wife had four children between the time of their marriage, ca 1803, and the recording of the 1810 census.
Matthew Brewer was also recorded in 1811 in Edgefield Co SC.
782 Although Edgefield and Abbeville counties are not adjacent now, they were in 1811 and it is likely that Matthew lived near the boundary between the two counties at that time.
After returning to Abbeville from his adventure in the Chickasaw lands, Matthew Brewer appears to have participated with the South Carolina Militia in the War of 1812 (Youngblood’s Regiment).
783 And then he went west again because in 1815 he signed a petition to Congress by "Purchasers of Public Lands East of Pearl River"
784 and on 14 Feb 1816 he purchased 159.4 acres of public land in Clarke County, Mississippi Territory (SE1/4 of Section 22, Twnshp 9N, Range 1E).
785 The total cost of the land was $318.80 and payment was completed on 5 Feb 1820. The land was transferred to William Robinson.
Matthew Brewer was listed as an inhabitant of the Clarke County in the 1816 enumeration.
786 Others who were living in Clarke County in 1816 were Bazel Gray, Samuel Hammond Sr., Samuel Hammond Jr., Matthias Hammond, and William Hammond. Samuel Hammond Sr. was the bother of Job Hammond and Samuel Jr., Matthias and William were his sons. Bazel Gray also lived in the Abbeville-Elberton area and participated in the 1805 Georgia Lottery and served in the South Carolina Militia in the War of 1812. Three of his daughters married sons of Samuel Hammond Sr. (Mary to Matthias, Monica to William, and Edna to Lemuel). A fourth daughter of Bazel Gray married John Gilmore, also in Elbert Co GA in 1800 and in Clarke Co in the 1816 census.
In 1818, Marengo County was created from lands acquired in the Choctaw Cession of 1816. It is possible that the land originally purchased was in Clarke County in 1816 but was incorporated into Marengo County when it was formed in 1818. He was appointed Justice of the Peace in Marengo County on 5 Aug 1818.
787Matthew Brewer is listed in Marengo Co AL in the 1830 census.
788 1 male 10-15 (probably George)
1 male 15-20
1 male 50-60 (Matthew)
1 female <5
1 female 10-15
1 female 15-20
1 female 50-60 (Mary)
2 male slaves <10
1 female slave <10
1 female slave 10-25
His next-door neighbor was Bazel Gray and other familiar names listed on the same census page were Samuel Hammons and Matthias Hammons, Also in Marengo Co in that census, but not quite so close geographically, were Sherrod Hammons and William Hammons.
Matthew Brewer apparently served as Jutice of the Peace during the years he served in Marengo Co AL, as seen by several records in the Marengo County Marriage Records. For example, there is a record of the wedding of Phillip Pearce to Nancy Arp on 18 June 1819, performed by Matthew Brewer, Justice of the Peace.
Matthew Brewer died in Marengo county on 28 August 1832. His nuncupative will
255 was witnessed by his next-door neighbor Bazzel Gray and Sherrod Hammond. The will mentions only his wife Polly and his son George (who was apparently a minor at that time). Other legatees are not specified by name, but the estate settlement mentions Ransom Brewer, Mary Brewer, and Malinda Brewer. The administrators of his estate, recorded 15 September 1832, were Bazzel Gray and John Gilmore, Jr. The full text of the records pertaining to the probate of Matthew Brewer’s estate (six pages) is found as jpeg files in the multimedia section for Matthew Brewer.
Many of the people who were mentioned in Matthew Brewer's will and estate settlement were his neighbors both in Alabama and in the Abbeville Co SC - Elbert Co GA area. Thomas Creagh and Aaron Jones, the parties to the deed witnessed by Matthew Brewer in 1800, both owned land in Clarke Co AL, near the land that Matthew purchased in 1816. Bazzel Gray was Matthew's next-door neighbor in Marengo County in 1830 and was also listed in the 1805 Georgia Land Lottery list. John Gilmore, James Gilmore, William Henson, Kinchen Rabia and William Hammons were appraisers of the estate and all of them had lived in the Abbeville-Elberton area around 1800.
Matthew Brewer's wife was most likely Elizabeth “Polly” Hammond of Petersburg, Georgia.
789 Matthew apparently was not married in 1802 when he was received by Van's Creek Baptist Church, but he appears to have married and had a child by 1804 because he got two draws in the 1805 Georgia Land Lottery.
If Matthew’s wife was Elizabeth Hammond, this might explain why Sherrod Hammond was witness to Matthew's will in 1832. There was a large Hammond family (and a large Brewer family) in Elbert County. Sherwood Hammond was the son of Samuel Hammond and his wife Winnefrid Sims. Samual Hammond was the brother of Job Hammond, father of Elizabeth “Polly” Hammond. Thus, Polly Hammond Brewer and Sherwood Hammond were first cousins. [Sherwood Hammond bought land in Marengo Co AL and married Polly Henson in Marengo Co AL in 1825.]
Matthew Brewer's known children were:
George Brewer
Ransom Brewer; m first Adaline Woodward, m second Eliza Roney
Malinda Brewer; m first William Clark; m second Thomas Goodbread
Matilda Brewer; m Furnley Manley
Notes for Matthew Brewer
Individuals mentioned in the will or estate documents of Matthew Brewer
Mentioned in will:
Polly Brewer, widow
George Brewer, son
Bazzel Gray, test., administrator
Sherrod Hammond, test.
John Gilmore, Junior, bond
Furnly Manley
Appraisers of Estate:
John Gilmore, Junr.
Kinchen Rabia
John Blakeny
James Gilmore
William Henson
William Hammond
Accounts and Notes:
John Henson
Wm. Hunels
J. Man
Stephen Coulman
Henry Bates
Wm. White
Thomas Phillips
L. C. Douglas
M. Kinzey
James Skinner Jr.
Goodbread (“an order from Goodbread for ten dollars credit with $5.50 paid)
Asa Skinner
John McVey
William Erth
Affidavit of Appraisers; 29 Sept 1832:
John Blakeney
Kinchen Rabia
James Gilmore
John Gilmore
William Henson
William Hammons
Sale List of Personal Property; 5 December 1832:
Mary Brewer
John Micherson
Wm. Fowler
Caleb Warner
Wm. Fowler
B. W. Adams
Mathias Hammons
Levi Greer
James C. Douglas
John Gilmore
Ransom Brewer
Simon Croom
Malinda Brewer
David Curry
Furney F. Manley
John Hughes
Supplement to sale of estate; 11 May 1833:
Mary Brewer
C. H. Taylor
F. Manly
John Purvis
Wm. King
Jno. Hughes
Wiley McKabee
Account, Sales of the Property; 11 January 1834:
In this final account, the administrator reported that in order to settle all of the demands against the estate, three small negros named All, Jack, and Charity were sold.
Notes for Matthew Brewer
The Mississippi Territory was first established May 7, 1798, was enlarged on March 27, 1804 after the Louisiana Purchase, was enlarged again on May 14, 1812 when a part of Spanish Florida was added, and was divided into the new state of Mississippi and the Alabama Territory on December 10, 1817 (Alabama became a state on December 14, 1819). Here is a map showing the extent of Mississippi on these dates: view pdf files that give a time course of the Alabama lands during Matthew Brewer’s lifetime, and a case for the proposed union between Matthew Brewer and Elizabeth Hammond, consult the following web page:
Notes for Matthew Brewer
From "The Territorial Papers of the United States" Volume VI, The Territory of Mississippi, 1809-1817
[No date, 1815]
To the Honourable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress Assembled: the humble petition of certain purchasers of public lands east of Pearl River Respectfully Showeth.
That when your petitioners made purchase of public lands,-they did believe that they purchased them under the simple condition of paying for them in certain instalments, and under the expectation that if they failed to make payment on the day appointed,-they would be liable, as in all similar contracts, to pay the interest on their instalments from the time they became due.
Experience has sadly convinced your petitioners that the receivers of public monies, insist, on the part of the United States, not only upon the ordinary, simple, legal interest upon instalments not paid on the day,-but on a certain forfeiture or penalty, under the name of "back interest", founded on the principle that on the failure of payment at the period appointed,-the government becomes entitled not only to interest from that time, but to interest from the very day of purchase;-thus raising a charge against the unfortunate purchaser,-not only of simple interest, but in some cases of even double or treble compound interest. Your petitioners can scarcely believe that this was ever the intention of the just and paternal government of the United States:-and they have a firm hope that the statement of the existing evil is alone sufficient to insure a remedy.
Some of your petitioners had, perhaps, peculiar reason to deem the existing practice a severe one. They had purchased land, before they removed to the territory; and during the state of indian hostility it was impossible for an inhabitant of Georgia or Carolina to reach the land office in St Stephens with the instalment due:-and had they reached it; they would havefound the doors of the office shut, and all kinds of civil business utterly suspended.
Your petitioners therefore humbly hope that a law will pass for refunding what is called back interest, & forbidding its collection in future: and your petitioners as in duty bound &c
Warham Easley
Ellingtown Evans
Lovelace Mott
Drury Allen
Darling Perry
Henry Merrick
William Landrum
Jonah Mott
Robert Pugh
John Lowry
Jas L. Phillips
John Easley
Edward Bazer
John Dinan
Elijah Pugh
Jesse B Landrum
Edward M. Fallin
Mathew Hicks
Armstead Hall
William N Robison
William Coate
John Landrum
[ R H Gilmer ] [ This and an illegible name that follows are marked out of the manuscript. ]
Duncan Leach
David Glass
Nathan Perry
Francis Perry
Thos Goodwyn
Jams Thompson
Harris Tilman
William Bradley
John Bradley Senr
John McGrew
A. Kilpatrick
David Smith
William Perkins
William Jones
John Hogg
Jno Deane
Robt Caller
L. Gilmore
R. G. Haden
G. R. Kennerly
Alexr Shaw
James Woods
Russell Jones
John Cox
Jas Daffin
Caleb Bazer
John Braddley
Josiah Wills
John Gilmore
Wm Thornton
Wilson Perry
Moses Hill
Robert Dougals
Duna D C Camble
Joseph Holeman
Abner Turner
U. H. Dent
Edward Evans
John McFarlnd
Wm Eveleigh
Benjamin Hogg
Gerrard W. Creagh
Jas Lawson
Jesse B Irvine
Leonard Pearson
Robert Phillips
John Welch
William Webb
Jonas Spikes
Matthew Brewer
Samuel Hammond
Jno Brown
Joseph Kemp
Jas Braden
John McKinney
Henry Franklin
Hugh Cassity
Vinson Harrison
Richard Cole
Rezin Pugh
Amos Robinson
Notes for Matthew Brewer
SIR a committee appointed by the Inhabitants of Washington county in the Mississippi Territory to promote the objects of the inclosed [sic] petition having no opportunity of learning the sentiments of any member of congress with regard to the propriety of it,--have found themselves under the necessity of requesting me as one of their body to transmit it directly to the honourable Speaker of the House of Representatives, and they trust that you will have the goodness to cause it to be laid before Congress, in such a manner as may be compatible with the rules and orders of that body.
I have the honour to be with the most respectful consideration Sir, your most obed't ser't.
Harry Toulman
[Addressed] The Hon'ble the Speaker of the House of Representatives
[Endorsed] Accompanying a petition of sundry inhabitants of the district East of Pearl River, in Mississippi territory. lie on ye table.
Petition to Congress by Inhabitants East of Pearl River
[May 1809]
To the Honourable the Congress of the United States the humble petition of the Inhabitants of the District East of the Pearl River in the Mississippi Territory, respectfully Sheweth.
That your petitioners reside nearly in the centre, but far remote from the Seat of Government of a Territory exceeding in extent any one of the United States,--and probably containing upwards of one hundred thousand squares miles--That although the leading expences [sic] of the Territorial Government are paid by the United States, your Petitioners are Subjected to enormous taxes for the support of the same Government, whilst enjoying scarcely any advantages from the expenditure of the public money--that a large preponderance of wealth, of population and of personal influenc[e] in the Inhabitants of the Mississippi Settlements, renders your petitioners (though respectable by numbers,--and yeilding [sic] to none in patriotism, and pure, Republican principles)--but mere cyphers in the Territory Government:--that the remoteness of their situation, and the total dissimilarity of their channels of Trade, give the people of the Mobile and its adjacent waters, no common interest with those of the Mississippi,--That a wilderness of from Two to three thousand miles between the Settlements East and West of the Pearl River, deprives us of everything but a merely nominal representation in Congress. --renders it exceedingly inconvenient to the representatives of the people East of Pearl River to attend the Territorial assembly, cuts off almost all useful communication between those representatives and their constituen[ts] renders the Executive department a Stranger to them,--and deprives them of the advantages of that union of Judicial talents and rotation of Judges so necessary to check the aberrations of feeling, and to insure public confidence in the Administration of Justice, that our unorganized, detached and insulated situation renders it necessary in order to prevent our Country from becoming the Asylum of the abandoned and to cause, life to be secure, property to be safe and the Laws to be respected, that the benign influenc[e] of the Government should be fully and efficaciously seen and felt among us--That the position in which the settlements in the District East of Pearl River stand, so important as a barrier to the South Western states, so promising as a channel of internal trade, makes it an object of national importance to encourage their respectability and population-- That our present population probably extends to about five thousand, and that the County of Madison in the great bend of the Tennessee, more nearly connected with us than any other part of the Mississippi Territory is said to contain some thousands of Inhabitants:--Your petitions therefore humbly pray for a Division of the Mississippi Territory, and that a new Government be erected, to be bound on the West by the Pearl River, on the East by the State of Georgia, on the North by the State of Tennessee, and on the South by the National Boundary, dividing the Territory of the United States, from the dominions of the King of Spain. and that such provisions may be made for a speedy representation of the people thereof in general assembly as may appear advisable to the wisdom of Congress. May 1809
Hugh Henry
Lemuel Henry
Alexr. Hollinger
George Brewer
James Powell
William Bates
Buckner S Morris
William Jones
James Jentry
Thomas Bates
Joseph Bates Sr
Howel Dupree
John Erle Dugles
William Webber
Augustin Rochen
Daniel Johnston
James Dean
[William Baldwin] [marked out on manuscript]
C's Rain
Benjamin Reeves
Joseph Bates Jur
Isam Copelen
Ephraim Barker
Elisha Barker
James Reeves
William R. Bennett
William McGrew
Nathan Beal
Tho's J Strong
James Denly
Owen Sullivent
Charles Smith
Jeremiah Phillip
John Miller
Tearice Lain
Jacob Pyburn
Archabald Ruals
Charles Woolf
Wm Mithone
Jo's Stiggins
Ge'o Stiggins
Wm Sims
Jeremiah Holder
John Setton
William Harrison
Samuel Paisley
Eli Hyrick
Phillep Banemon
Hugh Quin
Samuel Slade
Samuel Treadwell
Kalip Bazor
Thos Bassett
Thos J. Strong
John Richardson
Phillip James
Jonathan Dearmond
Wm Moorman
Frances Boykin
Wm Bowling
John Smith
Kintchin Boykin
Silvester Andrey
Cornelius Dunn
Samuel Mims
Laz's Jno Bryers
Arthur Avera
John M. Knox
Andre F Barnaud
Josiah Fletcher
William Williams
Joshua Gage
John Bates
Benjamin Hooven
Mathew Stedham
Charles W Murrills
Samuel Clark
David Brannan
Rich'd Stone
John Roads
Danl Harris
Dain'l Harris
Sam'l Wallace
David Keith
Jno Dunn
John Waker
William Milsted
Arn Milsted
Thoms Thompson
Jno Milsted
John Hogg
George Foster
Wm Foster J'nr
Holland M. Hogg
Richard Gill
John Myrick
Reuben Pearson
John Pearson
Jno Deane Senr
Jno Deane Jnr
M. P. Sturdivant
Craven P. Moffett
Moses Sewell
William Smith
James Hughes
Thomas Smith
Elias Smith
Jasper Smith
James Myrick
Daniel Jackson
Danl Elliott
James Farr
Hezekiah Carter
James Denley
Benj'a King
Joseph Wesmoreland
Dan'l Westmoreland
John Kendel
Wm Kendel
Joseph Landrey
Thos Keby
Joseph I. Ray
Zac Fumbrey
Lunsford Burrows
John Swiney
Martin Holman
Jacob Dobbs
John Pollard
Richard Furven [or Furver]
Wm Cockrom Senor
BurrellCockrom Junr
George Cockrom Junr
Wm Cockrom Junor
Partrick Mahony
Levi Qualls
Wm Lofton
Harry Toulmin
John Peirce
William Peirce
William Thomas
Hardy R. Jernigan
Stephen M'Donald
David X Mims
George Denney
William Sith
Mathew Dickison
Tandy Walker
Y Gains
Robert Lewis
John Johnston Senoir
R. S. Bryan
Thomas F. Gray
Thomas Bates Juner
E'dw Everatts
John Denley
Jesse Thompson
John Lewis
Jams Bailly
John Phillips
James Caller
Thomas Adcock
John Adcock
John Mills
Jno McDonald
G. Weekley
Jesse Stiddam
[William H. Buford] [marked out of manuscript]
[John S. Buford] [marked out of manuscript]
[W Buford] [marked out of manuscript]
Wm Withers
Jeremiah Gage
Richard Workman
Will'm McDonald
John X Powell
James B Farr
Jass Smith
Henry Myrick
James Myrick
Henry Quin
Watson Ellison
Jeremiah Conway
Hezekiah Carter
H. B. Slade
William Griffin
Maximilian Simon
Joseph Westmoreland
Wm Jordan
Martin Crane
John Johnston Junr
William H Hargrave
Romeo Andry
Chastang Jeune
Edouard Chastang
Baptiste Chastang
Trenon Chastang
Auguste Chastang
Buford Weekley
Daniel Gage
Thomas Dunn
Moses Gage
John Farnin
Joseph Mims
Benj. Stedham
Robert Macconell
John Ackridge
George Martin
Jno Caller
David Keath
James Taylor
Joseph Smith
David Stokes
William Stokes
James Stokes
Jeremiah Walker
Daniel Davis
Andrson Hendricks
John Smith
William Price
Jno Herron
John Rogers
Charles Rhodes
J. J. Rhodes
James Gray
Allan Greene
Edward Gatlin
Solomon Wells
Jo's Wilson
Jno Mcfarling
Obidah Smith
Wm Ellison
Wm Harrison
James Powell
Jno Powell
Wm Sutton
Thomas Gatlin
Levi Walley
Cornelious Dabney
James Offield
Jones Kilgore
Thos Apling
Henry Hils [or Acils]
Tolbert Mooddy
John Long
George Allen
Thos Davis
Goodwin Jiles
Thomas Partrick
James Holaway
Jarred Twigs
Ash Lofton
Burrell Pitman
William Van
Samuel Lofton
[Endorsed] Petition of sundry inhabitants of the District East of
Pearl river, in the Mississippi territory.
12th June, 1809. Ordered to lie on the table.
6th Decem'r 1809. Referred to Mr. Miller, Mr. Bibb, Mr. Quincy,
Mr. Breckenridge, Mr. Lyle, Mr. Nicholson, and Mr. Campbell. Mr.
Miller ref'd selec. Com 7
[Subscribers to copy of the Memorial found in the Senate Files]
[read December 13, 1809]
Harry Toulmin
Benj. S. Smoot
Robert Lewis
George Dennaha
Thomas Sullivant
William Wheat
Jacob Newton
J Malone
James B. Wilkinson
R. Sharks
Edmund P. Gains
W. D. Felps
G. Morgan
D G Canada
Jacob Neeley
Thomas Nelly
Stepehen Ganvel
David Neeley
John Mathin [or Matheny]
Jmaes Neeley
Daniel Wootam
Burrell Perry
Hardy Woten
Amos Reed
Squire Reed
Orville Perry
Bud Perry
Wilkings Neely
Jackson Bilbo
William Bilbo
Cha'l Wheaton
James Bilbo Senr
[manuscript illegible] Durham
John William
Thomas Dukes
Wych Whatley
John Morgan
Joseph Kayton
Tisdal Whatley
J. Chs Whatley
Shirley Williams
[Endorsed] 11 Cong 2 Sess.--L Petition of the inhabitants of the Mississippi territory east of Pearl river, praying a division of the
1809 Decem'r 13th read & to lie.
Notes for Matthew Brewer
September 5th 1810
To his Excellency James Maddison President of the United States of America and the Honourable Congress assembled:
We your petitioners humbly sheweth that a great many of your fellow citizens have unfortunately settled on what is now Called chickasaw land- which has led us into difficultys that tongue cannot express, if the orders from the ware department are Executed in removeing us off of said land. However, in a government like ours, founded on the will of the people, we have reason to hope and expect that we shall be treated with as much lennity as the duty you owe to Justice will permit. We therefore wish, Without the shade or colour of falshood, to leve to your consideration the main object of our setling of this country.
In the first Place, we understood that all the land on the north side of tennessee river was purchased of the indians, which was certainly the case, and further we understood that this was congress land, as we call it, and by paying of two Dollars per acre we should obtain An undoubted title to our lands and avoide the endless law suits. That to setle here, a great many of us solde our possessions and Came and settled here in the winter and spring of 1807 without any knoledg or intention of violating the laws of government or infringing on the right of another nation, and we remained in this peacefull situation untill the fall of 1807, when General Robertson Came on runing the chickasaw boundary line and he informed us that, though the cherokees had sold this land, yet the chickasaws held a clame to it as their right. And now as booth nations set up a clame to this land and Government haveing extingushed the cherokee clame; and we who are well acquainted with the boundarys of this country do think in Justice that the cherokees had undoubtedly the best right to this land.
We could state our reasons for thinking so, in many cases, but we shall only refurr you to one particular, that is when Zacheriah Cooks made a purchase of parte of this country and came in order to settle It, he landed on an island in the Mussell shoals, and was making preparations to ingarrison himself. But when the cherokees Understood his intentions, they got themselves together and sent in messingers to him, telling him if he did not desist and remove his men out of their country, they would certainly imbody themselves and cut him off. And Cooks took the alarme and left the Island in the night. And if the cherokees had not defended this country at that time, it may be persumed that it would have been taken from the chickasaws without asking of them anything about their right to it. For the cherokees do say that they have held an antiant clame to it, which they never lost by sword or treaty, untill extinguished by government. And should this be the camse, and appeare to your satisfaction, that the cherokees had at least as good a right as the chickasaw, and you haveing that right invested in you-and you are allso willing to pay the chickasaws for their clame and they refuse to sell it, where then can there remain a single doubt In the publick Minde of doing the chickasaws any kind of unJuistice in makeing use of the cherokee clame, and saying: if they will not take a reasonable price for their clame we will not remove our Fellow citizens off, which will bring many women and children to a state of starvation, mearly to gratify a heathan nation who have no better right to this land than we have ourselves And they have by estemation nearly 100,000 acres of land to each man Of their nation, and of no more use to government or society than to saunter about upon, like so many wolves or bares, whilst they who would be a supporte to government and Improve the country must be forsed even to rent poore stony ridges to make a support to rase their famelies on. Whilst you are administering Justice between us and the chickasaws, to say with the greatest propriety that "we have once purchased this land and we will not remove our fellow citizens off, but let them remain as tennants at will, untill the chickasaws may feell a disposition to sell us their clame."
Therefore, we your humble petitioners wish you to take our standing duely into consideration, and not say "they are a set of dishoneste people who have fled from the lawes of their country, and it is no matter what is done with them." For we can support. our carractore to be other ways and it is our wish and desire to protect and supporte our own native Government.
We must informe you that in the settling of this country men was obliged to expose themselves very much, and the Climate not helthy a number of respectable men have deceased and left their widows with families Of aiphan children to rase in the best way they can. And you might ailmost as well send the sword amongst us as the fammin. The time being short that our orders permits us to stay on, we wish you to send us an answer to our petition as soon as posable and, for heavens Sake Pause to think what is to become of these poore aiphan families who have more need Of the help of some friendly parish, than to have the strictest orders executed on them. Who has not a friend in this unfeeling world that is able to asist them, Either in giting off of said land or supporting when they are off.
We are certain in our own minds that if you could have a true representation of our carractor, the industry we have made. and the purity of our intentions in settling here, together with the justice of our cause, you would say "In the name of God, let them stay on, and eat their well earned bread. Perhaps our number may be far more than you are apprised of. From the best calculation that we can make, there is, exclusive of Doubleheads reserv, 2250 souls on what is called chickasaw land, and all of us could live Tollarabie comfortable if we could remain on our improvements. But the dis-tance is so great, if we are removed off, that we cannot take our produce with Us, and a great many, not in a circum-stance to purchase more, will in consequence of this be brought to a deplorable situation. We shall therefore conclude in hope. that, on a due consideration, we shall find favour in the sight of your most ho-nourable Body, whitch will in duty binde your petitioners to ever Pray &c.
Wm Sims, James Sims, Michael Odaniell, Thomas Skagg, Wiliam Payne, Berry Matlock, George Brown, James Reynolds, Larkin Webb, Isaac Crowson, Benjimen Osbourn, Robert Cravens, Andrew Arnett, Jonathan Cohron, Hoseph Bradley, James Wooley, Henry , Lysby, Isaac Gibson, Samuel Easely, David Silmon, John Hoddge, John Coward, Charles Skaggs Sen, Charles Skaggs Jur, Charles , Williams, William Adams, Wm Bowling Sen, Wm Bowling J, Wm Cooper, Wm Conway, Charles Easely, John Scagg, John Eppler, Jonathan Eppler, James Neill, Ishame Brown, James Brown, Abraham Brown, Edward Davis, Rawleigh Dodson, Aaron Luisley, Simon Foy, Benj. Murrell, Cavin Wittey, Caleb Juett, Isaac Mirrell, Georg Arbuthnot, Francs Daughty, Bejman Carrel, Asa Magge, Sammell Preed Jun, Sammul Preed, James Preed, Christopher Bayler, Marckel Stockden, Thomas Redus, Abraham Sims, Richard Murrell, John Daugherty, James Hodges, James Hood, William Mayers, William Hodges, William Hoodser, Edmond Fears, William Hood J, Ely Robertson, Samuel Robertson, Micel Robertson, John Allon, James Ball, John McCutchan, David McCutchan, John Caiwell, John Bidell, John Rosson, Simon Rosson, Richard Linville, Wm. Nelson, John Nelson, James Ford, James Caidwell, Wm Kile, Samuel Bradley, William Adams, Roland MeKenny, James McKenny, John McKenny, Ruben McKenny, Robert McKenny, William McKenny, John Lynn, Elijah Price, John Hogges, John Sessoms, Amos Moor, William Elles, John Thomas, Joshua Perkens, Issac Fraey, Lovill Coffman, Cornelius Gatliff, James Redey, John Panton, Jesse Panton, William Hooker, Thomas Pool, Philmer Green Senr, Jere McKellens, Reuben Riggs, William Candon, James Riggs, Robert Tayler, Enoch Tayler, John Tayler, Jas Wilder, Fracis Ascaugh, Joeb Arbagh, Jas Wherrey, John Bell, Benjamin Russell, Edward Frost, Jas Anderson, Joseph Evans, Henry Evans, John Scallorn, Jacob Scallorn, John Wain Wright, John Myars, James Green, John Mowery, Alexander Dutton, George Fergel, John Sauls, Reel Matcok, John Bartell, John Kim, Andy Jackson, Henry Miller, Abraham Miller, Robert, Foury, Joseph Calvert, James Mossy, James McMahhan, Jessy Cooper, David, Miller, Levi Cummens, Mark Mitchens, Allen Cotton, John Cottun, William Cox, Thomas Hardy, George Lofen, John Tayler, John Reed, Elkin Tayler, Lennerd Lofton, Joseph Foster, Abraham Kirkelot, John Kirkendall, Jos Jones, Levi Cooper, John Cooper, John Paine, Fuller Cox, Sami Cox, Joseph Looker, William Riggs, Bridges Freeman, Charles Hulsey, Beverly Philips, Shaderick Cross, Benjamin Ishmal, Benjn Cross, Henry Cross, Jonathan Adams, Thos Adams, Robt Wallis, James Isaac, Hardin Hulsey, William Hill, Jas Miller, John Hamlin, Samuel Smith, Ellexander Smith, Feips Smith, Wm Smith, Bryan Smith, Jonathen Greenhow, Wm Greenhow, Greenbery Greenhow, John Croslin, Benjamin French, Henry Croslin, Jessey Richardson, Joseph England, David Dudden, John Crage, Michal Trimble, Elisha Rainbolt, Jas Craig, John Mitchell Snr, Elisha Garritt, John Mitchell Jnr, George Mitchell, Wm Smith, Jno Sanders, Reuben Sanders, Joseph Carnes, Wm Carnes, Redden Crisp, Wm Black, Lemi Black, Jos Keen, John Ailmen, Walter Tremble, Elye Homback, Wm McGowen, Robt Hodgers Jnr, Robert Stenson, John Smith, John Runnals, Francis Bird, Thos Henderson, Shadrach Morres, Lewis Tacket, William Kellett, Joseph Kellett, James Kellett, James Humphrs, William Humphrs, Charles Smith, William Stephens, Samuel Nelson, George Honbre, Joel James, Henry Mgain, Wm Mullin, Thomas Mullin, John Toliver, Matt Smith, James Mullens, Jaret Brandon, James Smith, John Miller, Elijah Major, James Major, John Trimble, Joshua Brunson, David Parkir, John Ray, John Carnham, Jacob Pyeatt, James Pyeatt, Aron Gibson, Cabot Turner, Isack Shipman, John Hakins, George S. Wilson, Josha Bruntson, James Slaughter, Jesop Luster, John Luster, James Luster, Robert McGowen, DanI McIntyre, Alexr Masky, John Chambers, Thos Price, Joel Philips, Wm Stinson, George Hauge, Ezel Smith, Wm Smith, Andrew Smith, Jame McConel, Sami McConell, Jams M. McConell, William Chambers, Jno Webb, George Bankhead, Jno Bankhead, Michael Shaly, George Shaly, Fredrich Shaly, Moses Crosen, Moses Chot, John Vans, Duncan McAntire, William Voss, , Alex Miller, William Cochran, John Welch, William Welch Senr, Beverly Luster, David Luster, Jas Bevers, Jonathan Burleson, John Burleson, Mathew Brunstin, William Slaughter, Jonathan Blair, John Billensly, Johnathan Greenhaw, Clouds Greenhaw, Alexander Morr, Robert Moor, John Umphres, Archable Trimble, James Garner, John Bell, James Burlston, Robert Thresher, David Thompson, John Rogucy, David Capshaw, Malachi Reeves, Robert Gresham, Amos French, William W. Capshaw, George Ogel, George McCown, David Allerd, William Magers, Harda Allerd, Georg Cooper, David Water, John Wager, Harmon Horn, Banra Devon, John Gebbens, Robt Gebbins, Sami Gibbons, James Gibbons, Jos Gibbons, Clemen Arman, Mathew Brewer, James Norman, Aaron Shote, John Shote, John Wynn, M Armstrong, Ths Dodd, Isaac Perritt, Jeremiah Rowlen, Mitchell ONeel, Jessy Dillion, Tiery ONeel, Hirram ONeel, Joseph Brunson, John Parmerly, Richard Robertson, George Taylour, Eliken Taylor, John Taylour junr, Robert Taylour, Hanum Taylour, John Taylour Sen, Thomas Read, John Read, Wm Taylour, Nathanniel Hannet, James Dunahoo, James Long, John Cooper, Leire Cooper, James Dunham, Alexr Dunham, Thomas Brighton
Damarias Bowling, Amenidab Hattan, Betsey Williams, Mehaley Robertson, Gilly Crowson, Milly Hogwood, Drankey Medders, Patsey Carter, Caty Lewrence, Joan Black, Ann Johnstons, Susan Wigges, Betsey Cooper, Ann Grin, Elezebith Sims, Grizell Sims, Polly Prigman, Sally Williams, Any Taylour, Christiana Mcravay
Abner Camnon, Jessey Beavers, John Hoaton, Robert Hoaton, Nicholess Boren, James Boren, Abner Boren, Henry Davis, Benjamin Land, Andrew Blithe, Jacob Blithe, Wm Lilly, Obediah Martin, Wm Martin, Henson Day, Andrew Pickins, Joseph L. Jones, Hugh Bradon, Adam Burney, James Burney, Wm Ferrell, Owen Shannon, William Cooper, Jas Braden, James Steward, John Cooper, Levi Cooper, Chale Dever, John Black Junr, Prier Kile, Reuben Smith, Isac Lann, Eli Tidwell, Millin Tidwell, Eli Tidwell, Daniel Kinny, Owin Shannon Se, James Renn, H. T. Hendry, Jos L. Hendry, William Cramer, William Murrell, William Smith, John Smith, John Black senr, Gabriel Tayour, Nathiniell Harbin, Jessee Harbin, James Harbin, Robert Wood, Millenton Tidwell, James Leath, Edward Shoat, Vantenten Shoat, John Taylour, Benjamin Tutt, Thomas Kile, James Pickins
(Endorsed) Petition, (addressed to James Madison, Pres: U.S.-) by 450 of the Intruders upon the Chickasaw Territory: Received Oct. 1st, 1810.
Notes for Matthew Brewer
The following is copied from “ A Glance into the Great South-East, or, Clarke County, Alabama, and Its Surroundings, from 1540 to 1877 by Rev. T.H. Ball, A.m., originally published in 1882 and available in reprint from The Clarke County Democrat, Grove Hill, Alabama 36541-0039, pp. 531-532:
BENJAMIN DELOACH was born in Virginia, according to his statement, December 15, 1770. He is now dead, but the year of his death is not recorded. The following reminiscences concerning him were written by W.D. COUNCIL, himself an aged citizen of the county, in August 1872.
"He emigrated to this country* in a rolling hoghead, in 1810, was an inmate of McGrew's Fort with Darling Peevy, Joseph Mott, Jonah Mott, Wm. Mott, the McGrews, Callers, Scarboroughs, Whites, Pughs, Rutledges, Trawicks, the Hicks and Webb families, Mathew Brewer, Richard Odom, and a number of others, whose descendants are living in this county.”
Notes for Matthew Brewer
Fourteenth Regiment — Madison County Militia790
Marengo Co.
Aug. 5, 1818 - Matthew Brewer
Research notes for Matthew Brewer
We corresponded a number of years ago. You have done a beautiful job with your family records and they are nicely presented on Internet. I think some of the Matthew Brewers you have as yours are the Matthew H. Brewer son of my William Brewer and Elizabeth Holmen. My Matthew H. Brewer did go west of SC and lived in Sumter County, SC and I have Elizabeth Hammond as his wife from DAR records, but I don’t know what that mar. is based on.
William Brewer, brother of Matthew H. Brewer mar. Anna Clark Bates 22 Nov 1810 in Elbert Co., GA. She was the dau. of Fleming Bates and Margaret McCarter of Abbeville Co., SC. The two families went across the river as you said between the two states. Our two Matthews lived in the same places so it is hard to know which is which. My Matthew usually went by Matthew H. Brewer.
I have not done as much research on my Matthew, as he is a sibling to my direct ancestor but know he was in Perry Co., on 1830 Perry Co., AL Census 1840 Sumter Co. AL Census, his wife disappeared between 1840 and 1850. Matthew was on 1850 Sumter Co., AL Census with son Thomas J. Brewer. The census gave him born in AL but his obituary gave SC. Pioneer Families of Sumter Co., AL by Nelle Morris Jenkins, p. 194, “Died at James Bluff, Choctaw County, Alabama, on the 19 April 1853, Mr. Matthew H. Brewer, aged 80 years. He was a native of South Carolina.” A History of the town of Livingston, AL by R. D. Spratt, p.186 states Matthew was a brother to my William Brewer and that Brewersville was named after Matthew and that he lived there by 1832.
Linda Essary
Notes for (Mary) Elizabeth (Spouse 1)
The identity of Matthew Brewer’s wife is taken from several online family genealogies.
789,791,792,793,794 These all seem to stem from work on the Hammond family that was compiled by Laura Hammond in the early 1900s. The following correspondence from James Hammond, a careful researcher and ggg grandson of Herbert Hammond, gives more information:
795“About a century ago, Laura Hammond of Atlanta, a congressman’s daughter, did an extensive geneology of the Hammonds, but I find it problematic. That was a generation that often found the ancestors they wanted. And this one is full of conjecture about lines to kings and princes. But like most such documents, it contains threads of truth that can help a current researcher.
“My uncle, James Herbert Hammond, interviewed some Hammond descendants in Anderson County, S.C. about 30 years ago, and got a list of children and their marriages of Job and Lucy Hammond. It included the marriage of Elizabeth Polly Hammond to Matthew Brewer. But I don’t have anything beyond his name.”
With regard to the foregoing, a copy of Laura Hammond’s original genealogy sheet lists the family of Job Hammand and Lucy Howard as follows:
2. Job b 1782 - d 1861
4. Samuel Jenkins b 1785 - d 1856
1. Dudley b 1776 - d 1812
3. John Howard b 1792 - d 1857
5. William b 1790 - d 1871 m Lucy Corral Hudson
Lucy m Richard Worrill
6. Alfred b 1794 - d 1863 m Louisa Hudson, sister of Lucy Corral Hudson
7. Herbert b 1797 - d 1866
The list is handwritten and the names of the nine children are listed in the order shown above. Probably the birth order was added some time after the list was first recorded; it appears this way since the numerals are not well aligned. Elizabeth’s birth year is not recorded, so we do not know where she was placed in the sequence of children. Since it appears that she married Matthew Brewer about 1804, it is likely that she was born before 1784, probably between Dudley and Job.
Another important piece of evidence with regard to Elizabeth Hammond comes from handwritten notes sent by Herb Hammond to his nephew, James Thomas Hammond in 1978.
795 Among these notes is an account of the family of Job Hammond and Lucy Howard:
“Job and Lucy lived in Rutherford NC for years, then near Petersburg in Elbert Co GA.
Among the list of children is found: “Elizabeth m. Mathew Brewer and went west,” followed by “Polly died young.”
For a more detailed circumstantial case that Matthew Brewer’s wife was Mary Elizabeth ‘Polly’ Hammond, daughter of Job Hammond III, consult the following:*******************
NOTE ADDED 16 OCT 2020: This connection has now been verified by DNA. Using the Ancestry DNA ThruLines pocdcure, it was found that Clayton Heathcock Jr. shares DNA in the ca 20 cM range with several other people who are descendents of Job Hammond. The parallel lines for one of these may be seen visually in the multimedia.